Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Sicily: Part Two

The next big surprise was the look of Sicily’s countryside which, because of the many images of the island as depicted by Hollywood movies such as the aforementioned ‘Godfather’, but also movies like  ‘Patton’ and ‘The Devil’s Brigade’, the impression one has is of a parched land from a pallet of shades of tan, brown and gold. But this was not the Sicily we saw. The almond trees were displaying their pink-purple bloom and wild flowers were abounding in meadows and mountain sides and even on display from cracks in ancient walls. The grass was a jade green, like the hills of mythic Albion or even the actual Ireland but with high rugged mountains. After driving through this lush landscape, we reached our destination, the Agrigento Archeological Park. Well, I was looking for Greek ruins and here I did find them. We both found the experience beyond our expectations, and in fact, because there was so much to see, it was a bit overwhelming.

The Green Countryside:

Ancient Greek road in what now is Agrigento Archeological Park:

Temple of Apollo among Almond blossoms:

Winged god taking a rest:

Ruined temple along Greek road:

Temple from afar: